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1Z0-052 v3补充题目.docx

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1Z0-052 v3补充题目.docx


72. Examine the following output:
SQL> SELECT index_name,status
FROM dba_indexes
Which two statements about the above index are true? (Choose two.)
A. It is ignored by the query optimizer.
B. It is not used while the index is being rebuilt.
C. The index cannot be rebuilt, and has to be re-created.
D. The index is automatically rebuilt when used the next time.
Answer: AB
115. Which of these is true about undo tablespace?
A. Undo tablespace is a temporary tablespace.
B. Undo tablespace has only one datafile.
C. Undo tablespace has a datafile which is reused in cyclic manner.
Answer: A
116. Your database is in shutdown state.
What will happend if you issue mand:
SQL> startup
A. instance will started.
B. instance started and DB is mounted.
C. instance started, DB opened and finally mounted.
D. instance started, DB mounted and finally opened.
Answer: D
177. Which two statements are true regarding the SGA_TARGET initialization parameter? (Choose two.)
A. It can be increased up to the value of the SGA_MAX_SIZE parameter.
B. Increasing the value of the SGA_TARGET parameter distributes the increased memory among all the ponents.
C. Reducing the value of the SGA_TARGET parameter deallocates memory from both autotuned and manually ponents.
D. Increasing the value of SGA_TARGET up to the value of SGA_MAX_SIZE disables the automatic shared memory management feature.
Answer: AB
201. Why does performance degrade when many UPDATE, INSERT or DELETE statements are issued on a table that has an associated bitmap index?
A. The DML operations re-create the bitmap index blocks.
B. The bitmap index is rebuilt automatically after a DML operation.
C. The smallest amount of a bitmap that can be locked is a bitmap segment.
D. Additional time is taken to remove NULL values from the bitmap index after a DML operation.
Answer: C
16) You executed the STARTUP mand to start your database. For whic


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