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the august moon festival or mid-autumn festival (chinese characters above) is one of the traditi身强体壮、性格暴虐名叫后羿的弓箭手 拯救了人间。他成功接连射落九个太阳。有一天,后羿偷了一位神 仙的长生不老药。而他美丽的妻子嫦娥为了帮助人们脱离他暴虐的 统治偷偷喝下了长生不老药。喝下药之后他发现自己飘浮起来并非 像了月亮。后裔十分爱他美若天仙的妻子,他不忍心将她从月亮上 射落。
people believed that the lady was a god who lived in the moon that made the moon shine. girls who wanted to be a beauty and have a handsome husband should worship the moon. and on this magical occasion, children who make wishes to the lady on the moon will find their dreams come true.
人们认为嫦娥是住在月亮上的仙子,所以月亮才会发光。女孩子如 果想要变得漂亮并且有一位如意郎君都要供奉月亮。而中秋之时, 孩子们都会向月亮仙子许愿祈求他们能够梦想成真。
the wood cutter - wu kang
伐木人 吴刚
wu kang was a shiftless fellow who changed apprenticeships all the time. one day he decided that he wanted to be an immortal, so he went to live in the mountains where he importuned an immortal to teach him. first the immortal taught him about the herbs used to cure sickness, but after three days his characteristic restlessness returned and wu kang asked the immortal to teach him something else. so the immortal to taught him chess, but after a short while wu kangs enthusiasm again waned. then wu kang was given the books of immortality to study. of course, wu kang became bored within a few days, and asked if they could travel to some new and exciting place. angered with wu kangs impatience, the master banished wu kang to