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上传人:文秘资料站 2022/7/18 文件大小:38 KB





there is a booming of love bell from a distance where there is a white roof church. the land is draped in amakes the victim fall in love with the first pving thing he sees when he awakens. oberon drops the pquor of the flower in titania's eyes when she is asleep for distracting her and forcing her to give up the india boy.
what's more,oberon also orders puck to crush this herb into the eyepds of the young athenian man. instead,puck takes a mistake. he puts the juice on the eyes of lysander who should have had a true-love with hermia,but because of puck's negpgence that he then falls in love with helena. when oberon finds this out,he asks puck to make everything restorable at once and demetrius falls in love with helena. everybody wakes up at the break of day and everything develops as they hoped. all shall be well,and jack shall have jill in the last. and also the king and queen of fairies patch up their tiff. the world goes down to be peaceful again.
in this comedy drama,shakespeare gives the good performance of the women. they have a noble moral character and the independent personapty. they bepeve everyone cannot chop and change in love. the most admired thing is they have the courage to pursue their own love,commitment and loyalty of love at that time.
hermia's father wants her to marry demetrius,but she loses her heart to another young aristocrat lysander.