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Psychiatric Diagnosis and Classification-[1st]-[Mario Maj, Wolfgang Gaebel, Juan José López-Ibor Jr , Norman Sartorius].pdf

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Psychiatric Diagnosis and Classification-[1st]-[Mario Maj, Wolfgang Gaebel, Juan José López-Ibor Jr , Norman Sartorius].pdf

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Psychiatric Diagnosis and Classification-[1st]-[Mario Maj, Wolfgang Gaebel, Juan José López-Ibor Jr , Norman Sartorius].pdf



文档介绍:Psychiatric Diagnosis and Classification. Edited by Mario Maj, Wolfgang Gaebel, Juan Jose LoÂpez-Ibor and Norman Sartorius
Copyright # 2002, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. ISBNs: 0±471±49681±2 /Hardback); 0±470±84647±X /Electronic)
Psychiatric Diagnosis
and Classification
Psychiatric Diagnosis and Classification. Edited by Mario Maj, Wolfgang Gaebel, Juan Jose LoÂpez-Ibor and Norman Sartorius
Copyright # 2002, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. ISBNs: 0±471±49681±2 /Hardback); 0±470±84647±X /Electronic)
Psychiatric Diagnosis
and Classification
Edited by
Mario Maj
University of Naples, Italy
Wolfgang Gaebel
University of DuÈsseldorf, Germany
Juan Jose LoÂpez-Ibor
Complutense University of Madrid, Spain
Norman Sartorius
University of Geneva, Switzerland
Psychiatric Diagnosis and Classification. Edited by Mario Maj, Wolfgang Gaebel, Juan Jose LoÂpez-Ibor and Norman Sartorius
Copyright # 2002, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. ISBNs: 0±471±49681±2 /Hardback); 0±470±84647±X /Electronic)
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