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Science 7-11 Developing Primary Teaching Skills (Curriculum in Primary Practice)-[1]-[Clive Carre].pdf

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Science 7-11 Developing Primary Teaching Skills (Curriculum in Primary Practice)-[1]-[Clive Carre].pdf

上传人:联系 2017/6/25 文件大小:3.26 MB


Science 7-11 Developing Primary Teaching Skills (Curriculum in Primary Practice)-[1]-[Clive Carre].pdf



文档介绍:Science 7–11
As one of the core areas of the curriculum, science provides particular challenges, especially
to teachers working at the top end of the primary age range. Clive Carré and Carrie Ovens,
both experienced primary teachers themselves, ask what teachers really need to know, both
about their subject and about their children in order to teach science effectively. They give
practical guidance on curriculum planning, on balancing enquiry approaches to learning
with more formal ‘telling’ and on the difficult area of collecting and interpreting evidence
of children’s progress for assessment.
Clive Carré has taught in both primary and secondary schools and was coordinator of the
Leverhulme Primary Project based at the University of Exeter, where he was senior lecturer
in the school of education, prior to his recent retirement. His publications include Learning
to Teach (Routledge 1993) which he co-authored with Neville t and Visual
Communication in Science (Cambridge University Press 1985) with David Barlex. Carrie Ovens
has taught in a number of primary schools as a class teacher and, more recently, as an advisory
teacher. She is currently lecturer in education at the University of Exeter.
Curriculum in primary practice series
General editor: Clive Carré
The Curriculum in primary practice series is aimed at students and qualified teachers looking
to improve their practice within the context of the National Curriculum. The large format,
easy to use texts are interactive, encouraging teachers to engage in professional development
as they read. Each contains:

• Summaries of essential research
• Transcripts of classroom interactions for analysis and discussion
• Activities for individual and group use

While all primary teachers will find these books useful, they are designed with the needs of
teachers of the 7 to 11 age group particularly in mind.
Other titles include:
Religious education 7–11
Terence Copley
Music 7–11
Sarah H


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