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Lesson Plan Interpretation
Unit 4 Unforgettable experiences
Thstudent get familiar with how to talk about personal experience, especially disasters. It demands Ss to pay attention to the detailed information about the material. The purpose of the speaking material is to help the Ss master some useful expressions when they want to show their emotions. In addition , I’d like to divide this lesson’s objectives into three categories.
① Knowledge objective
Students should know some background information about disasters, some names of disasters and also learn some words and expressions used to describe the disaster such as earthquake. And they should do some speaking practice to grasp some useful expressions about showing their emotions, such as Help! /I’m afraid to …/Don’t be afraid. /It’ll be ok. /Well done. And so on.
② Ability objective
Because this period combines listening with speaking, the Ss’ speaking ability and listening ability should be trained. So in my class I’ll play a story about Hankstam trapped in the earthquake , and teach them a few listening skills. Besides, in order to cultivate their ability of discussion, dialogue and even performing. Students should be asked to talk freely in English with partners by using the useful expressions and then act their dialogues out.
③ Moral objective

The speaking exercises help teach students to express their feelings when they are having difficulties and how others would say to encourage or comfort them. So through the dialogue and acting, the Ss are enabled to understand the importance of friendship and love between human beings.
Ⅲ.Teaching methods and learning ways
Now come to the part of teaching methods and learning ways. In my class, I will take advantage of the situational method and “3 P” tea


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