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《名利场》英语读后感 3000字(名利场读后感英文400字).docx

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《名利场》英语读后感 3000字(名利场读后感英文400字).docx

上传人:liuliu 2022/7/21 文件大小:18 KB


《名利场》英语读后感 3000字(名利场读后感英文400字).docx




《名利场》英语读后感_words, one with honey, and one with ones teeth. Her extreme egoism outlook on life, her tenacious and veritable talent, her adventurous spirit and impudent pursuit of fame and wealth, all embodies the characteristics of the bourgeoisie in the period of free competition. She was the daughter of a poor painter who had been disregarded by school and society from an early age. The social status of humiliation and the inconstancy of humiliation twisted her soul, and the desire to climb into the bourgeois upper class made her selfish and cold. Under the influence of the social atmosphere of admiring vanity and pursuit of money, she quickly fell into a wild family and a conspirators, determined to rely on beauty and conspiracy, to squeeze into the upper class, and to hunt for wealth and power. At the first Vanity Fair, her first goal was the bourgeois grand master, Joss. She was a bit of a coquettish, and she was quick to make a simple Jo as drunken. When the two people were very hot, she found the Playboy Rodon may inherit a big legacy, so she took the wind and seduced Rodens elopement, creating a marriage. Then, with her own bright makeup, she drew out a series of romantic events and pulled the dignitaries of general dvelto and Lord dant into their arms. At this mo


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