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基于改进ADRC的四旋翼姿态控制器设计 鄢化彪.pdf

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基于改进ADRC的四旋翼姿态控制器设计 鄢化彪.pdf

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基于改进ADRC的四旋翼姿态控制器设计 鄢化彪.pdf



文档介绍:: .
北京航空航天数对改进 ESO 的稳定性进行了证明。最后,通过仿真平台,与其他 ADRC 进行比较。实验结果
表明:改进型 ADRC 和标准 ADRC 相比,当四旋翼无人机不受干扰时,在其抖振区间内,俯仰角均方误差降低了约
了约 %、%、%。因此,改进型 ADRC 在有效减小抖振的同时,还具备优良的抗干扰能力。
关键词 四旋翼无人机;自抗扰控制;扩张状态观测器;姿态控制;xfal 函数
中图分类号 ;TP273 文献标识码:A DOI: .1001-
Design of quadrotor attitude controller based on improved ADRC
YAN Huabiao1, XU Weibin2, HUANG Lü’e2,
(1. School of Science, Jiangxi University of Science and Technology, Ganzhou 341000, China;
2. School of Electrical Engineering and Automation, Jiangxi University of Science and Technology, Ganzhou 341000, China )
*E-mail: ******@
Abstract To solve insufficient anti-interference ability and easy chattering problems of the Extended State Observer (ESO)
based on the traditional fal function when the attitude Active Disturbance Rejection Control (ADRC) system of quadrotor
UAV responds to complex disturbances, an improved ADRC was proposed for quadrotor attitude control. Firstly, a new
smooth nonlinear xfal function was constructed based on the sine function to improve ESO. Then, the stability of the
improved ESO was proved by Lyapunov function. Finally, the improved ADRC was compared with other ADRCs through
simulation platform. Compared with the standard ADRC, the results show that: the mean square error of the pitch angle is
reduced by about % in its chattering interval when the quadrotor is undisturbed, the mean square error of the pitch angle
is reduced by about %, % and % in their respective calculation intervals when the quadrotor was subj