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鲜。现现在看生产日期没实用, 由于生产日期能够喷码重新弄, 我们能够很简单的从外观来判断鸡肉能否冷冻时间过长,一般琵琶腿,鸡翅根,中翅等等都是1KG的袋子塑封,察看for a long time, not to
buy. Fresh and frozennear chicken without ice bag, bag clean. But like chicken wings in products or noadhesion occurred.
One trick: to the slaughter chicken flavor
Need for raw materials: salt, pepper, beer
Methods: the first is filled with water in a large container, add just killed the chicken,then add beer, pepper and salt. In order to make the chicken can fully absorb toadd
spices flavor, keep rotating back and forth chicken, it lasts two minutes, and then soak the chicken for twenty minutes. Using this method can remove thechicken flavor, because beer, Hu Jiaozhong are very pungent taste, after soakingin chicken flavor tegmental past. To do so you don't have to worry about what will be the impact of chicken. After twenty minutes, pour out the water will soak muscle,chicken fish is not fishy smell.
Tip two: frozen chicken to smell
Need for raw materials: soy sauce, ginger
Put the ginger cut into the end. Pickling for ten minutes, the taste is no chicken.
Remove the frozen chicken flavor:
1 chicken defrost can use a little milk soak for 20 minutes.
2 pour a little vinegar can remove the thaw after the smell.
3 a little salt and lemon juice is also a good choice.


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