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.Marie Skodowska Curie (1867-193areas
1, found radioactive elements polonium (Po) and radium (Ra).
2, presented the idea that the ray (now known to be composed of electrons) is negatively charged particles.
Scientific results
In the experimental study, Mrs. Curie designed a measuring instrument that not only measured the presence or absence of a substance, but also measured the strength of the ray. After repeated experiments, she found that the intensity of uranium was proportional to the amount of uranium in the substance, regardless of the state of uranium and the external conditions.
Marie Curie has conducted a thorough examination of the known chemical elements and all the compounds, and has obtained the important discovery that an element called thorium can also automatically emit an invisible ray, indicating that the element can emit a ray Not just the characteristics of uranium, but some elements of the common characteristics. She called this phenomenon radioactive, the elements of this nature is called radioactive elements. They release the ray called radiation.
At the end of 1902, Mrs. Curie extracted a tenth of a very pure gram of radium chloride and accurately measured its atomic weight. The existence of radium has been confirmed. Radium is a ve