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文档介绍:中国医刊 年 第 卷 第 期
416 ·论著· divided into prostate cancer group (45 cases) and benign
prostate disease group (58 cases). 43 healthy males were selected as the healthy control group during the same period. Serum indicators
were determined. According to tPSA results, 146 subjects were divided into tPSA≤10ng/ml group and tPSA> 10ng/ml group, and these
two groups were divided into prostate cancer subgroup and non-prostate cancer subgroup respectively. Free/total prostate specific antigen
(f/tPSA) and PHI were calculated, and compared the differences of each indicator. Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve was used
to evaluate the efficacy of each indicator in the diagnosis of prostate cancer in different groups. Result Serum levels of tPSA, free prostate
specific antigen (fPSA), p2PSA and PHI in prostate cancer group were significantly higher than those in benign disease group and healthy
control group, while f/tPSA was on the contrary. There were significant differences in all indicators(P<). PHI has the largest area under
the curve (,), indicating its optimal diagnostic efficiency, and can avoid more unnecessary biopsies compared to the traditional
indicator tPSA when taking the cut-off value. Conclusion PHI is an excellent indicator with high sensitivity an


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