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文档介绍:Task 1
A. Chart
1. Pie chart
2. Line Chart
3. Bar Chart
B. Table
C. Process
总分结构 总:替换标题 分:整体特征 细节 - 抓住特征项 -合并同类项
Bar Chart (柱状图)
Average Science Test Score of Grade 8 & Hours
Bar Chart 1. Media
The bar graph shows the average science test scores of students in Grade 8 in relation to the hours they spend watching television.
Overall, the students who watch less television have higher scores, and the average test score decreases as number of viewing hours increases.
The highest score of 80 is for students who usually watch one hour or less of television a day.
The next highest score is approximately 79. This is for students who average two hours of television viewing.
Students who watch no television and students who watch about 3 hours of television per day have a score of about 76.
The lowest score approximately 65 is for students who view six or more hours of television daily.
Paraphrase rubric的方式
In relation to
纵轴 in relation to 横轴
Bar Chart 2. Advertising
Money Spent on Different Types of Advertising
The bar chart shows the respective amounts of money in thousands of dollars spent on different types of advertising by panies- Acme and Famous.
Overall, Acme spent more on advertising than Famous.
panies spent the most money on television promotion, with Acme spending $250,000 while Famous spent $200,000.
Acme spent the second highest amount on newspaper advertising, at approximately $125,000, whereas Famous spent only about $75,000 on this type.
In contrast, Famous spent twice as much on the as Acme, at $100,000 and $50,000 respectively.
panies spent the least money on billboard promotions, at about $25,000 each.
The output this year is two times(TWICE) more than last year’s.
As much as 不可数名词 as many as 可数
The books of this semester are two times as many as that of last semester.
A is Two times the amount of B不可数
A is Two times the num