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Unit 6 In the kitchen
Story time
Teaching contents 教学内容
Story time
Teaching aims and learning objecti S: They’re nice。
T: How are the dishes? S: They’re yummy.
Step 4 Practise
1. 整体梳理文本信息,分步骤朗读
Before dinner
(1) T: Liu Tao comes home from a football match. When he gets home, what are his parents doing? (精品文档请下载)
S: They’re cooking dinner.
T: Liu Tao smells something good. So he asks his mother:(精品文档请下载)
S: Are you cooking meat? (教学句型:Are you … ing?)
T: Is his mother cooking meat?
S: No, she isn’t cooking. She’s washing vegetables and she wants to cook tomato soup.(精品文档请下载)
T: His father is cooking. What is he cooking?
S: He’s cooking meat with potatoes.
T: Wow, how yummy。
T: Now let’s read the first paragraph。
(2) T: Liu Tao is very hungry。 So he can't wait. And he is thirsty too. What is Liu Tao doing? Let's read the text and answer the questions. (读P59页,第二段文本答复以下问题)(精品文档请下载)
S: Liu Tao is looking for some juice in the fridge。 (教学look for)
T: What’s in the fridge? Is there any apple juice?
S: No, there’s some orange juice。
T: So, Liu Tao finds some orange juice in the fridge.(精品文档请下载)
T: Now let’s read the second paragraph.
During the dinner
(3) T: (出示文本图片) Look! Dinner is ready. What are they doing? (精品文档请下载)
S: Liu Tao and his parents are having their dinner。(精品文档