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文档介绍:Sleeping Beauty
Sleeping Beauty (1959 film)
-A 1959 American animated musical fantasy film produced
by Walt Disney 
-Based on La Belle au bois dormant by Charles Perrault 
-Based also on Little Briar Rose by The Brothers Grimm.
-The 16th film in the Walt Disney Animated Classics series, it was released to theaters on January 29, 1959, by Buena Vista Distribution.
-This was the last Disney adaptation of a fairy tale for some years because of its initial disappointing box office gross and mixed critical reception.
Maleficent黑女巫(梅尔菲森特) The Owl猫头鹰
Princess Aurora (Briar Rose)奥萝拉公主(蔷薇玫瑰)
Prince Phillip 菲利浦王子
After many childless years, King Stefan and Queen Leah, e the birth of their first daughter, the Princess Aurora.
They proclaim a holiday for their subjects to pay homage to the princess and betroth her to Prince Phillip, the young son of King Hubert, so that the kingdoms of Stefan and Hubert will be forever :\sleeping beauty\1-7\
Three good fairies have been invited to bless the child with gifts of beauty and song.
Before Merryweather is able to give her blessing, a fairy named Maleficent appears. Distressed at being uninvited, the evil fairy curses the princess that before the sun sets on her sixteenth birthday, she will prick her finger on the spindle of a spinning wheel and die.
Merryweather is able to use her blessing to weaken the curse, and she causes it so that instead of dying, Aurora will fall into a deep sleep from which she can only be awakened by true love's :\sleeping beauty\1-7\
The three fairies know Maleficent's spell cannot be stopped that easily so they devise a plan to protect Aurora. The fairies disguise themselves as peasant women, and with the King and Queen's consent they spirit Aurora,  renamed Briar Rose away to a woodcutter's cottage in the forest until her sixteenth birthday passes. G:\sleeping beauty\1-7\
On her sixtee


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