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文档介绍:Module 6 A famous story
Unit 1 she was sitting by the river
By Chen Xiang
I. Teaching aims and demands:
1. To get spModule 6 A famous story
Unit 1 she was sitting by the river
By Chen Xiang
I. Teaching aims and demands:
1. To get specific information of a story.
2. To under description of past on-goings and talk about it.(精品文档请下载)
3。 Ss will be able to use the phrases freely:
Go on; How is it going? Fall down. I see.
II. Teaching difficulties and importance:
Try to use the new tense “was/ were doing…” to describe different situations。(精品文档请下载)
III. Teaching aids:
Tape recorder, video, OHP
IV。 Teaching methods:
Top—down approach
V. Teaching procedures:
Step 1 Warming up
Teacher plays a cartoon video to get the Ss concentration, and then ask them a question: “what did the characters do in this video?”(精品文档请下载)
Ss: She swept the floor.
She read a paper。
Tom slept。
Jerry walked around。
The e—cat cut the pipe。
Step 2 Lead in。
Then teacher change the question, “what were they doing?” Teacher will help the Ss to change the answers’ tense by using past continuous。 After some exercises, teacher will introduce the new grammar—past continuous tense。(精品文档请下载)
Step 3 Listen and number
First, show Ss another picture of Alice's adventures in wonderland。(精品文档请下载)
Then, show a few pictures of the characters in this story.(精品文档请下载)
Lastly, p