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文档介绍:Module 8 Photos 教学设计
Unit 1 It’s the band which gets everyone dancing.
Teaching style:
Listening and speaking
Teach and have the students read the sentences。(精品文档请下载)
2。 Make sure the students understand the meaning of the expressions(精品文档请下载)
Step 7。 Learn the grammar points
Have a revision of the grammar points about objective clauses。(精品文档请下载)
Explain the attributive clauses used in this unit。
Step 8。 Work in pairs
Talk about the general situation of photo competition。
Step 9. Practice
一、Firstly, read the questions, and then listen again and answer the questions. (精品文档请下载)
Write notes。
1。 Why can't Tony take photos of the Blues Boys at first?(精品文档请下载)
2. Why does he want to get some good photos?
3. How popular are the Blues Boys?
4. Who does Tony think will win the competition?
5. Why is Tony unhappy?
1。 Because he can’t see over people’s heads.
2。 Because he is going to enter the photo competition.(精品文档请下载)
3. It’s the band which gets everyone dancing.
4。 Tony himself。
5. His camera has gone.
二、Complete the sentences in your own words.
1. When Tony sees He Zhong, he feels 。
2。 He may get better shots from upstairs because .(精品文档请下载)
3. He thought his camera was in his bag, but .(精品文档请下载)
4。 When he says his camera has gone, Betty thinks .(精品文档请下载)
5。 Lingling thinks Tony's dad will be the