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冀教版九年级英语上册 拓展材料:The Story of Monkey King简介.doc

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冀教版九年级英语上册 拓展材料:The Story of Monkey King简介.doc

上传人:公西逸 2022/7/30 文件大小:29 KB


冀教版九年级英语上册 拓展材料:The Story of Monkey King简介.doc



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拓展材料:The Story of Monkey King简介
Monkey King, or known to the Chinese old and young as Xi You Ji (Journey to the rom the masters of the four seas and the Hell, incurs the relentless scourge of the heavenly army. In fact, the monkey has fought into the ocean and seized the Dragon King's crown treasure: a huge gold-banded iron rod used as a ballast of the waters. Able to expand or shrink at his command, the iron rod becomes the monkey’s favorite weapon in his later feats. The first test of its power came when the monkey stormed into hell and threatened the Hadean king into sparing his and his followers mortal life so that they all could enjoy eternity.
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After many showdowns with the fearless Monkey King, the heavenly army have suffered numerous humiliating defeats. The celestial monarch has but to give the dove faction a chance to try their appeasement strategy—to offer the monkey an official title in heaven with little authority. When he has learned the truth that he is nothing but an object of ridicule, the enraged monkey revolts, fighting all his way back to earth to resume his original claim as The King.
Eventually, the heavenly army, enlisting the help of all the god warriors with diverse tricks, manages to capture the barely invincible monkey. He is sentenced to capital punishment. However, all methods of execution fail. Having a bronze head and iron shoul