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(18)F-FDG PE...征脑葡萄糖代谢并鉴别其类型 宋天彬.pdf

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(18)F-FDG PE...征脑葡萄糖代谢并鉴别其类型 宋天彬.pdf

上传人:十二贾氏 2022/7/30 文件大小:494 KB


(18)F-FDG PE...征脑葡萄糖代谢并鉴别其类型 宋天彬.pdf



文档介绍:中国医学影像技术 年第 卷第 期
2022 38 7  Chin J Med Imaging Technol,2022,Vol 38,No 7 bserved,and the differential diagnostic values were analyzed.Results The consistency between results of visual method
and Neuro-Q quantitative method was high (Kappa=0.75,P<0.01).Neuro-Q quantitative analysis showed that PD
mainly presented as the metabolisms of putamen,thalamus,midbrain,pons and cerebellum increased,while of lateral
frontal lobe and parietal lobe decreased.MSA-C mainly presented as the metabolisms of pons and cerebellum decreased,
MSA-P as the metabolisms of putamen,pons and cerebellum decreased,while PSP as the metabolisms of medial frontal
lobe,lateral frontal lobe,caudate nucleus head,thalamus and midbrain decreased.CBD mainly presented as the
metabolisms of medial frontal lobe,lateral frontal lobe,parietal lobe,putamen,caudate nucleus and thalamus decreased.
DLB mainly presented as the metabolisms of occipital and parietal lobes decreased,and of putamen,pons and cerebellum
increased,without obvious changes of posterior cingulate gyrus.Conclusion 18F-FDG PET/CT could be used to evaluate
cerebral glucose metabolism in Parkinsonism,hence being helpful for differentiating different types of Parkinsonism.
[Keywords]  Parkinson syndrome;fluorodeoxyglucose;positron-emission tomography


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