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基于“虚气留滞”理论辨治Ⅱ型心肾综合征进展 廉坤.pdf

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基于“虚气留滞”理论辨治Ⅱ型心肾综合征进展 廉坤.pdf

上传人:史湘云 2022/7/31 文件大小:782 KB


基于“虚气留滞”理论辨治Ⅱ型心肾综合征进展 廉坤.pdf



文档介绍:网络首发时间:2022-07-27 15:52:58
- “stagnation”
(phlegm turbid, stasis and poison) mutually mix, and become mutual cause and effect, with a spiral progress, which
forms a vicious cycle and goes through the development of the disease. In the early stage of the disease, “deficient
qi” is the main factor, and in the middle stage, “qi stagnation” is the main factor. Therefore, tonifying qi and warming
yang, and activating blood circulation and increasing urine excretion were the basis treatment methods. In the early
stage, warming yang, tonifying qi, tonifying kidney, and strengthening heart would be the basic treatment methods; in
the later stage, activating blood circulation and reducing stasis, increasing urine excretion and descending turbid, and
reducing phlegm and removing toxic materials would be the basic treatment methods. This article reviewed the
progress of TCM differentiation and treatment of type Ⅱ cardio-renal syndrome in recent years, in order to provide
reference for clinical treatment.
Keywords: deficient qi stagnation; cardio-renal syndrome; tonifying qi and warming yang; heart kidney
disharmony; TCM therapy; review