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Unit 3 Asking the way
Story time
Teaching contents 教学内容
Story time
Teaching aims and learning objeconymy. It’s turn left。 If you want to describe the location you can say on my left。(教学 turn left on my left)
T: Great. Finally I get on the metro。 Our friend yang ling wants to visit Su Hai’s new home. She also wants to get there by metro so let's see what happened to her

(3) Watch and answer: What are they talking about?
S: Choose C
T: Yes, so today we are going to learn Unit 3 asking the way。
(4) Listen and order:How doer Yang Ling get to Su Hai’s home?
a。 听录音,完成排序。
(5) Read Part1 after the tape together。
(6) Turn to page 26 underline the sentence which is about the pictures
(7) Let’s learn how to show the way
2。 Part 2-Walking
(1) Read and judge:next to means:
(2) Ask and answer
T: Su Hai shows the way to Yang Ling. So where is Yang Ling now? Yang Ling is on sun street。 Can she find the bookshop?
S: No, she can’t.
T: If you do not know the way. What can you do?
S: I can ask a policeman for help.
T: This time the policeman shows her the way。 Now let’s learn part2。 please read part 2 and find the bookshop。
(3) Read and choose
T: A B C D which is the bookshop? You can discuss in groups. Traffic lights