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徐 州 师 范 大 学
论 文 题 目:Ana
Analyze Frank’s Oedipus Complex in The Thorn Birds
Chapter One Introduction
Colleen McCullough is one of the most famous and the most influential writers among contemporary Australia. Her masterpiece, The Thorn Birds is a family history of Australia
. Heroine Meggie and Father Ralph’s love disputes are the main line of The Thorn Birds. This novel describes a story of three generations of family Cleary, spanning over half a Century. Colleen McCullough is a neuropsychologist. Frank, the character of this novel, shows strange feelings to his mother Fiona, which fully in line with the symptoms of "Oedipus complex" in Freudian psychology.
Besides introduction and conclusion, there are three chapters in the thesis.
Chapter two is mainly a literature review, focusing on the previous studies about "Oedipus complex" of Freudian psychology and some famous novel involved in this complex.
Chapter three is based on Frank’s Oedipus complex and some analysis on his psychological stage.
Chapter four mainly discusses the relationship between his homicide and Oedipus complex. And the last part is conclusion.
Chapter Two Literature Review
Previous study
Sigmund Freud (1856 - 1939), the 18th century to 19th century Austrian psychiatrist, is the founder of psychoanalysis theory. Despite his controversial theory, its impact is widely extended to
philosophy, sociology, psychology, medicine, literature, art and many other fields. His psychoanalysis has brought a profound impact on people life and this effect is more than any other kind of psychology. His theory gives a strong lash on people’s awareness of western present society and social life almost on every side.
‘‘Attachment to the mother’’ is also known as the "Oedipus complex", it is