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点r was so impressed that he asked Wang how he came by such a wonderful tea. He told the emperor how he found it under Guanyin Rock. The emperor named the tea Tieguanyin after the rock and the sound that the tea made as it hit the bottom of the teapot.

Legend 2:
During the reign of Emperor Qianlong there in Fujian Provinces Anxi County there was a dilapidated temple that was dedicated to the Buddhist Bodhisattva Guanyin, the Goddess of Mercy. A poor farmer named Wei Yin, on his way to his fields’ everyday, would pass the temple and noticed its deteriorating state. He felt something needed to be done. The farmer was quite poor and didnt have the means to restore the temple, so instead he brought a broom and incense to the temple. He thoroughly cleaned the temple and burned the incense in offering to Guanyin. He did this twice a month for many months. One night in a dream, the Bodhisattva Guanyin appeared to him and told him of a cave located behind the temple. Guanyin told him that a treasure was waiting in the cave for him. He was told to take this treasure and share it with others. When he woke up, Old Wei headed straight to the temple and found the cave which he had never noticed