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HARM REDUCTION Development of a Training Approach一种训练方法减少危害的发展.ppt

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HARM REDUCTION Development of a Training Approach一种训练方法减少危害的发展.ppt



文档介绍:What does effective drug policy mean?
Ralf Jürgens
Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network
Today’s Presentation
Drly, out of fear of police apprehension
compel users to inject with unclean equipment or to inject in unsafe and unhygienic circumstances
produce an underground market for drugs, associated with crime and corruption
create a culture of marginalized and stigmatized people who are difficult to reach
undermine community caring, by fostering public attitudes that are vehemently ant-drug and anti-drug users
From prohibition to harm reduction
The Canadian federal government’s stated position for two decades has been that
“[t]he criminal law should be employed to deal only with that conduct for which other means of social control are inadequate or inappropriate, and which interfere with individual rights and freedoms only to the extent necessary for the attainment of its purpose.”
(Government of Canada. The Criminal Law in Canadian Society, Aug 1982)
Such a position lends support to proposals for a drug policy based on harm reduction principles.
From prohibition to harm reduction
evidence that Canadian policy has shifted towards harm reduction philosophy:
Canada’s Drug Strategy adopted in 1998 states that its goal is to reduce the harm associated with drugs to individuals, families, and communities
Strategy further states that because “substance abuse is primarily a health issue rather than an enforcement issue, harm reduction is considered to be a realistic, pragmatic, and humane approach
Special Senate Committee on Illegal Drugs established in 2000 to “develop a national harm reduction policy”
In 2001, Canada’s ministers of health “acknowledged” a report that set out a harm reduction approach and framework for action.
From prohibition to harm reduction
further evidence that Canadian policy has shifted towards harm reduction philosophy:
In 2001, then Minister of Health Allan Rock recognized that “changes are needed t