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文档介绍:Modified by JEEP on December 26th, 2020.
2017 Global aerospace and defense sector nanciaace & Defense leader
2017 Global aerospace and defense sector nancial performance study
Executive summary
Global aerospace and defense sector revenue growth is slowing, marginally outpacing global gross domestic product
growth. Global aerospace and defense (A&D) sector revenues grew percent in 2016, adding US$ billion in revenues, to reach
US$ billion. Although the growth rate declined from percent in 2015, it slightly outperformed the estimated global gross domestic
product (GDP) growth of This growth was driven primarily by the European commercial and US defense subsectors.
Global commercial aerospace revenue growth slowed from percent in 2015 to percent in 2016. Revenue for the subsector
increased from US$ billion in 2015 to US$ billion. The European subsector recorded strong growth at percent, while in
the US growth was marginal, at percent. This is a direct result of a percent decline in aircraft deliveries in the US, while in Europe,
deliveries increased by percent. Aircraft backlog remained at an all-time high, having grown by percent to 13,687 in 2016.
The global defense subsector continued to recover as global defense spending increased. Following a recovery in 2015, global
defense revenue grew percent, or US$ billion, in 2016 to US$ billion. Global defense spending rose percent, with US
defense expenditure up The primary factor in the improvement was likely the percent growth in US defense revenues
resulting from the percent increase in funding from the US Department of Defense (DoD), the subsector’s largest In
contrast, the European defense subsector revenues grew only percent while defense spending in Europe increased
Despite more spending, European defense revenue growth declined, likely due to a US$ billion negative impact to the top line of Airbus’
Defense & Space division, resulting from its ongo


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