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文档介绍:牛津英语9A Unit 2 Colours教案
Period two:Reading A
Teaching Aims:
To learn new words and target language that related to牛津英语9A Unit 2 Colours教案
Period two:Reading A
Teaching Aims:
To learn new words and target language that related to the passage。
To read the passage fluently。
To love the colourful world.
Teaching importance and difficulties
To recognize and understand vocabulary about emotions
To understand what colours represent。
To tetell the article。
Teaching aids:
1。a tape recorder
—media computer
colourful cards
Teaching procedures:
Step 1: Revision
Revise different kinds of colours by asking students:
What’s your favourite colour?
Step 2: Presentation.
A:Tell students that different colours can give people different feelings.
Let students enjoy a series of pictures, including different kinds of colours and let students discuss:
What’s your feeling after looking at the pictures?
Encourage students to say as much as possible,then teachers make a conclusion:
1。Blue & white can make people calm and peaceful。 Blue can also represent sadness and white is the colour of purity。
and orange make you feel warm, happy and contented. Orange represents joy while yellow is the colour of wisdom.
3。Green makes you feel energetic。 It represents new life and growth.
Red represents power。 It is also the colour of heat and strong feel