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high-end professionals/personnel; top talents 复合型人才 versatile profes%以上增速根底上,2023年能否保持稳健运行的势头,防止出现大的颠簸和起落,为社会各界所广泛关注〕
in accordance with the central economic work conference, to prevent fast economic growth from overheating to prevent prices from rising structural evolution of the obvious inflation in 2023 to become the primary task of macroeconomic regulation. 〔按照中央经济工作会议的部署,“防止经济增长由偏快转为过热、防止价格由结构性上涨演变为明显通货膨胀〞成为2023年宏观调控的首要任务〕
since 2023, prices continued to rise, increasing inflationary pressures. since august, the consumer price index for 4 months or more than 6% year-on-year. which in november rose percent, hitting a 10-year high. 〔2023年以来,物价持续走高,通胀压力加大,自8月起,居民消费价格指数连续4个月同比涨幅超过6%,%,创近10年来最高〕
inflation is clearly running the enemy of economic stability. 〔明显通货膨胀是经济稳定运行的大敌〕
based on current economic issues facing the outstanding
contradictions, in 2023 macro-control policies have been major
adjustments in the implementation of prudent monetary policy in 10 years to tight. from the tight monetary policy and sound fiscal policy to jointly promote economic restructuring and development. 〔基于当前经济面临的突出矛盾问题,2023年宏观调控政策已作出重大调整,稳健货币政策实施10年后转为“从紧〞,从紧货币政策与稳健财政政策将联袂促进经济结构调整和协调开展〕
election of the new state leaders〔选举新一届国家领导人〕
in 2023 the two of the country is a five-year term of the general assembly. in the first meeting of the 11th national peoples congress and cppcc national committee session of the 11th meeting, the leaders will be elected to form the new government.〔2023年的全国两会是五年一次的换届大会。在十一届全国人大一次会议和全国政协十一届一次会议上,将选举产生国家领导人,组成新一届政府〕
seventeen big party on chinas economic construction, political, cultural, social construction and party building up a comprehensive plan to make, the peoples livelihood of the two major reforms in the
consideration of matters discussed. 〔党的十七大对我国经济建设、政治建设、文化建设、社会建设和党的建设作出了全面部署,两会对关系国计民生的重大改革事项进行讨论审议〕
the two sessions in the political life of our country is


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