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Cost-Push Inflation
High Employment Target at Yn
1. Workers raise wages because eitheally, .,  as in Fig
Conclusion: Deficit  , only if it is
1. Persistent
2. Financed by money creation rather than by bonds
© 2005 Pearson Education Canada Inc.
Budget Deficits and 
Budget deficits in other countries
1. Bond finance hard
2. Deficit likely to lead to money creation and 
Budget deficits in .
1. Large capital market, so can bond finance
2. Fed has choice whether to monetize deficit, but may be pressured to do so
3. Ricardian equivalence may mean no effect of budget deficits on interest rates
Conclusion: Deficits do not necessarily  
© 2005 Pearson Education Canada Inc.
Budget Deficits and Interest Rates
© 2005 Pearson Education Canada Inc.
Inflation and Money Growth
1. Money and inflation relationship close until 1980
2. After 1980 relationship breaks down
Government Debt to GDP
1. Debt/GDP falls 1960–80
2. Deficits can’t be source of money creation and 
© 2005 Pearson Education Canada Inc.
Unemployment and the Natural Rate of Unemployment
High employment targets source of   1960-80
1. U < Un 1965-73 suggests demand-pull , with YT > Yn
2. U > Un 1974-80 suggests cost-push 
3. U > Un and   after 1980
© 2005 Pearson Education Canada Inc.
Activist/Nonactivist Debate
© 2005 Pearson Education Canada Inc.
Activist/Nonactivist Debate
Case for nonactivist policy stronger if expectations of policy matter
1. Economy won’t stop at point 2
2. Wages , AS shifts in, Y < Yn, AD shifted out, etc.:  
3. Also less likely for wage push that gets us to 1'
Quite plausible that expectations of policy matter to wage setting
Rules vs Discretion
1. Nonactivists advocate policy rule to keep AD from fluctuating:
Example: Monetarist constant-money-growth-rate-rule
2. Credibility of nonaccommodating policy helps avoid wage push and helps prevent  and unemployment
1. In the peri


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