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海明威人物经验 篇一
Ernest Hemingway was born in Oak Parker, where he received a baptism ibulance driver. On his way to Italy, he stayed in Paris under German artillery bombardment. He did not stay in a safe hotel, but as close as possible to the battlefield. Hemingway in the Italian front witnessed the cruel war: an ammunition explosion near Milan, a temporary morgue in the corpse of the corpse of the corpse, so Hemingway was shocked. July 8, 1918, Hemingway injured in the delivery of supplies, and the Italian wounded to the safe area, the Italian government awarded him the silver bravery medal. Later, Hemingway worked at an American Red Cross hospital in Milan. His early novel Farewell to the weapons, the creative inspiration comes from this. Hemingway regarded himself as the protagonist in the novel.

In 1920, Hemingway moved to Toronto, Ontario, where he lived in an apartment. During his stay, Hemingway, who found the job in the Toronto Star, became a freelance writer, journalist and overseas commissioner, and met the star journalist Morley Callaghan, establishing friendship. [2]
Between 1920 and 1921, Hemingway, who lives near northern Chicago, worked for a tabloid. In 1921, Hemingway married his first wife, Hadley Richardson, and moved to a three-storey apartment in northern Chicago in September. In December, Hemingway moved out of the country and did not return there to live there. Arsenal settled in Paris, to the star about the Greek war (1919 - 1922) interview. After returning to Paris, Anderson led Hemingway to participate in the Parisian modernist movement.
In 1923, Hemingways debut Three Stories and Ten Poems were published in Paris. Hemingways first son was born, due to support the entire family expenses, Hemingway resigned from the work of the Toronto Star