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上传人:mazhuangzi1 2022/8/8 文件大小:11 KB





我叫赵婉君,您可能会联想起琼瑶小说,字的确就是那两个 字,差别就是人没有那么漂亮,呵呵。其实,我的同学更都喜欢 称呼我的英文名字,叫XX,六月的意思,是君的谐音。(点评:
寥寥数语ps on course,if I am given a chance to study ****** in this famous University,I will spare no effort to master a good command of advance ******、
Good morning,my dear teachers,my dear am very glad to be here for your name is Song Yonghao,I am22 years come from Luoyang,a very beautiful ancient undergraduate period will be accomplished in Chang”“an university in July,2004;and now,I am trying my best for obtaining a key to Tongji University、
Generally speaking,I am a hard working student especially do the thing I am interested will try my best to finish it no matter how difficult it I was sophomore,I found web design very interesting,so I learned it very weaver a homepage for myself,I stayed with my personal computer for half a month,and I am the first one in my class who own his ,I am a person with great the days preparing for the first examination,I insist on running every day,no matter what the weather was just owning to this,I could concentrate on my study and succeeded in the end

Well,in my spare time,I like basketball,tennis and Chinese English is my often go to English corner to practise my oral English on every Thursday,and write compositions to improve my written I know my English is not good enough,I will continue studying、
Ok,that is all,thank yo


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