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上传人:shugezhang1 2022/8/8 文件大小:7 KB




文档介绍:Good afternoon, my professors ! It’s really a great honor to have this opportunity for an interview, and I hope I can maGood afternoon, my professors ! It’s really a great honor to have this opportunity for an interview, and I hope I can make a good performance today, and eventually I can be qualified for enrollment to this prestigious university in September.
My name is XXX,24 years old. I come from Jiaozuo ,which is located in the northwest of Henan province. I have finished my college life and got my bachelor’s degree at Tianjin polytechnic university with the major of electronics information engineering after my graduation in July last year . I have acquired basic knowledge of computer programming and hardware design both in theory and in practice .
Perhaps you may ask, “Why do you give up your own major and choose public administration as your major during your graduate study in the future?” Now ,I would tell you that after pondering this question on many occasions, I have finally arrived at conclusion that public administration is something I truly want to study and It’s ,the target of public administration is to maxmize the public interests,which attracts me a lot ,and just as a saying goes , “interest is the best teacher ” .My grades ranked the third place during my undergraduate in my opinion, the study at the postgraduate level needs furt