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保研英语口试专题专业 答案.docx

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保研英语口试专题专业 答案.docx

上传人:wz_198613 2022/8/8 文件大小:8 KB


保研英语口试专题专业 答案.docx



What is your major?
A: My major is Animal Inspection and Quarantine.
How do you like your major?
A: At firstMajor
What is your major?
A: My major is Animal Inspection and Quarantine.
How do you like your major?
A: At first, I am not interested in this major because my ideal major is something associated with machinery. However, I am gradually fond of this major through three-year studies, especially after the practice in animal hospital.
What are the main courses in your major?
A: 自己准备
What are your studying habits?
A: Well, I usually arrive at the classroom 5 minutes earlier so that I could preview what the professor will teach in the coming class. After class, I sometimes go to the self-studying room to review what I have learned,or go to the lab to do some I always think about the problems that I haven’t understood today so that I could ask professors tomorrow.
Why did you still choose this major for your post-graduate studies?
A: On one hand, the professional knowledge that I have learned is not as firm as what I expect, that’s why I still choose this major for studying to make me the expert in this the other hand, through the three-year studies in the post-graduate years, I am able to be more competitive and professional, which will help me to find a better job.
Do you think the subjects you are studying today is relevant t