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When I just moved to Los Angeles, I didn’t have a car. Everyone said that I couldn’t get around withou
When I just moved to Los Angeles, I didn’t have a car. Everyone said that I couldn’t get around without one, 1 I wanted to prove them wrong.
I asked my neighbor, Mrs. White, 2 (take) me to the bus station in the center of the city so I could try taking the bus home. She thought I was crazy but gave me 3 ride. When I arrived there, I looked at the map and worked out that I needed to take 4 (bus) to get home.
I bought the tickets and waited at the bus stop 5 the Number 8 bus. Soon it came and I got on. At the right stop, I 6 ( get) off. Then I waited for the next bus. I waited and waited. My 7 (patient) had almost run out when the bus finally came. Waiting for the third bus took me even 8 (long). It broke down halfway and the driver had to fix it, 9 took nearly half an hour. So when I finally got home, I was very tired and 10 (sleep). Maybe getting a car in Los Angeles wasn’t such a bad idea!
Each of us fails from time to time. If we are wise, we accept these failures as a necessary part of the learning process. 1 too often as parents and teachers we do not allow our children to have the same right. We tell the children either by words or 2 actions that failure is someth