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文档介绍:: .
e called film s " moving pictures'* in the States.
( ) 2 . The A mericans ask th e ir friends to go to see a film . They always say, "Shall we
go to the cinema?
( ) 3 . The boy's friend liked pictures very much.
( ) 4 . His friend didn't understand the meaning of the question Mbo you like moving
( ) 5 . The boy's friend liked going to the movies.
( 二 ) 完形填空。请选择最佳答案并将每小题字母标号填入题前括号内。(共 计 1 0 分,每
小 题 1 分)
In our town, there is a big zoo ] a lot of animals in it. There are some
beautiful tigers and two old lions. They eat a lot of 2 every here are also two big elephants and one baby elephant. T he elephants are 3
animals. T hey eat 4 every day, too. T hey like children. Children often give them
bread and bananas. Elephants like bananas 5 .
In our zoo there are also brown bears, black bears and white bears. T hey stand 6
their behind legs, hold up their fore legss and ask for 7 . T hey like cakes.
T here's also a Children's Corner in our zoo. T here children ride the horses and
donkeys and 8 the monkeys there. T he monkeys are very 9 . T hey climb
up ropes and jump down again and play with _ 10 like small children.
( ). in B. with C . having b. has
( ). grass B. fruits C . meat b. fish
( ). bad B. foolish C . crazy b. kind
( ). a lot B. a little C . little
( ). best B. good C . well D. the best
( ). to B. in C . on b. for
( ). toyss B. food C . chairs b. clothes
( ). see