盐城市威特公司办公楼设计 摘 要:
本e atmosphere of modern architecture. Mainly used in the structure side was the framework system, and used pile foundation. To make full consideration in satisfying the needs of these aspects,such as resists earthquakes and fire prevention. In the choice material aspect, first considered safe durable, next price was reasonable and economical. The entire construction from the plan shaping to the structural design all strictly according to the design handbook and the correlation standard, also carried on the full consideration in the structure aspect, satisfied the office building function request. Key words: office building;framework;structural design;construction design
盐城工学院本科毕业生毕业设计说明书 2007 - 1 - 目 录 摘 要 ············································· · ⅠA B S T R A C T ······································· Ⅱ 1 建筑设计方案说明······································1 工程概况··········································1 设计依据···········································1 建筑方案··········································1 建筑施工图说明·····································4 2 结 构 设计 方 案 说明 ···································· 7 工程概况···········································7 设计主要依据与资料···································7 荷载取值·············································7 结构选型·············································7 结构分析···········································8 结构设计计算·········································9 3 结构计算书·············································13 设计资料··········································13 结构选型············································14 框架计算简图及梁柱线刚度····························14 荷载计算··········································16 3 . 5 恒 荷 载 计 算 ······································ 2 1 3 . 6 活 荷 载 计 算 ······································ 3 2 3 . 7 风 荷 载 计 算 ···············