文档介绍:2021 年 10 月第 28 卷第 10 期 1385
thods 80 patients with chemotherapy for lung adenocarcinoma were randomly divided into two groups, with 40 cases
in each group. The control group received routine nursing intervention, and the observation group received clinical nursing pathway
intervention. The intervention effects of the two groups were compared. Results After intervention, the SAS, SDS, VAS and PSQI scores of
the observation group were significantly lower than those of the control group (P <). The incidence of adverse reactions of the observation
group was %, significantly lower than % of the control group (P <). The median survival time, 1-year survival rate and 2-year
survival rate of the observation group were significantly higher than those of the control group (P <). Conclusions Clinical nursing
pathway intervention can effectively relieve the negative emotions and pain of patients with lung adenocarcinoma, improve the sleep quality,
reduce the incidence of adverse reactions, and prolong the survival time of patients.
[Key words] Lung adenocarcinoma; Chemotherapy; Clinical nursing pathway intervention
肺腺癌是临床最常见的肺癌类型 占肺癌总数的 入选标准 纳入标准 经病理检查确诊为肺腺癌 失