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文档介绍:Project 3 The growth strategy of the company
Starbucks in India
“We aren’t in the coffee businecoffee in the Indian market was 44, tones, the fifth largest coffee consumption country in the world. So is India a possible future market for Starbucks?
Problem formulation:
Starbucks is considering going to India. How can Starbucks enter the Indian market?
Is India an attractive market for Starbucks?
What could be the best entry mode for Starbucks in India?
Limitation and Methodology:
The limitations of the project are the page limit and the restriction in contacting the company. Regarding the company data, the limitation is in focusing on the entire product range of Starbucks, so as a consequence we have choose to focus only on the two main products: coffee and tea.
We have applied secondary data sources/quantitative data sources. The research method was the desk research. The theories used in the project are: the micro and macro analysis, the SWOT analysis, the entry mode analysis, segmentation and positioning, target market and value chain. We have used the theories to create an overview of the subject field and apply it for solving the project problem formulation.
Macro and micro analysis
Country profile
In 1991, the Indian economy experienced a dramatically growth after the government liberalized number of industries open to foreign investment, loosened approval requirements and allowed majority foreign equity ownership Fact book CIA
. The economy had a growth rate of 5-7% in average since 1991 till , but an industrial slowdown early in , followed by the global financial crisis, led annual GDP growth to slow to % in (Appendix 1), but it is still second highest growth in the world among major economies.
The income per capita of Indians increased by % in - Data monitor/ Database/ bon online
. Per capita income at current prices was estimated at Rs29,642 in - Euromonitor/


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