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国际经济学(国际贸易部分)第三部分Chapter 5-6.pdf

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国际经济学(国际贸易部分)第三部分Chapter 5-6.pdf

上传人:晴雯 2022/8/10 文件大小:264 KB


国际经济学(国际贸易部分)第三部分Chapter 5-6.pdf



文档介绍:: .
Chapter 5 Heckscher-able to each nation).
Another way to define factor abundance is in terms of relative factor prices (., in
terms of the rental price of capital and the price of labor time in each nation).
1. Nation 2 is capital abundant if the ratio of the total amount of capital to the
total amount of labor (TK/TL) available in nation 2 is greater than that in Nation 1
(physical units).
2. Nation 2 is capital abundant if the ratio of rental price of capital to the price of
labor (PK/PL) is lower in Nation 2 than in Nation 1 (factor price). The Heckscaher-Ohlin Theory
The Heckscher-Ohlin Theorem
A nation will export the commodity whose production requires the intensive use
of the nation’s relatively abundant and cheap factor and import the commodity whose
production requires the intensive use of the nation’s relatively scarce and expensive
factor. In short, the relatively labor-rich nation exports the relatively labor-intensive
commodity and imports the relatively capital-intensive commodity.
General Equilibrium Framework of the H-O Theory.

Illustration of the H-O A simple testification of the H-O theory
例: 技术系数·要素价格·成本差距表
(1)技术系数 (2)要素价格 (3)成本
劳动(A)资本(B) 劳动(W)资本(R) P=W·A+R·B
X 商品 40 日元 200 日元 PX=80 日元
I 国 
Y商品 40 日元 200 日元 PY=160 日元
X 商品 1 美元 1美元 Px=1 美元
II 国 
Y商品 1 美元 1美元 Py=1 美元
I 国用大写母、II 国用小写字母来表示。X 商品不加撇,Y 商品则加撇。在


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