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转自寄托 作者luoyangqiulu(阿布)
6) on late October 2007. Would you please help me check out whether the website is right about my TOEFL score report status? My application information is listed as follows:
Last Name: XXX
First Name: XXX
Date of Birth: XXX
8. 询问GRE成绩是否需要official的以及code是什么
Dear Sir/Madam,
I have completed my online application for your ECE PhD program in fall 2008. I also have sent a photocopy of my GRE score report with my supplemental materials to you. Do I need to send official GRE score report to you directly from ETS? If so, please tell me the institution code and the department code I should use. Thanks very much.
9. 询问材料怎么还显示没收到
Dear Sir/Madam,
I have completed my online application for your EE PhD program in fall 2008. A supplemental materials package has already been sent to you, which includes three letters of recommendation, official transcripts and other documents. According to FedEx record, the package was received on Dec. 20, 2007. However, when I checked my application status on the website, it shows that my letters of recommendation, official transcripts and other documents have not been received. Would you please help me check out if those documents are received?
My application information is as follows:
First Name: XXX
Last Name: XXX
Date of Birth: XXX
Thanks very much.
10. 询问ID number
Dear Sir/Madam,
I have completed my online application for your EE PhD program in fall 2008. However, I cannot find my ID number, which I will use to check my application status, anywhere. Would you please tell me? Thank you very much.
My application information is as follows:
First Name: XXX
Last Name: XXX
Date of Birth: XXX
11. 询问暂时没有资金证明行不行
Dear Sir/Madam,
I am an applicant of your ECE PhD program for fall 2008. I checked my application status on the website just now, and it showed that I have to turn in the financial