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文档介绍:2021 年 4 月 电 工 技 术 学 报 No. 7
第 36 卷第 7 期 TRAion network. In this paper, an improved HDT configuration and the
three-phase circuit scheme of HDT is presented. In this scheme, the converter with sample topology can
be applied and the rated voltages of all the units can be easily determined. Based on the equivalent circuit
of the present HDT, the transfer function model is established, then the PI controller is adopted to construct
the inner control system of HDT. Both the simulation and experiment are performed in the condition of
nonlinear load and fluctuated grid voltage. The results shows that the grid side current can be regulated to
be sinusoidal, symmetrical and unit power factor, the load voltage can be controlled to be stable. Which
verifies the correctness of the established dynamic model and the presented control strategy.
Keywords:Active distribution network, equivalent circuit, hybrid distribution transformer, PI
controller, transfer function

陕西省 2018 年重点研发计划资助项目(2018ZDCXL-GY-07-05)。
收稿日期 2020-06-30 改稿日期 2020-10-29
万方数据1538 电 工 技 术 学 报 2021 年 4 月
0 引言 现有报道虽然给出了多种基于 AC-DC-AC