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文档介绍:YUKI was compiled on the morning of December 16, 2020
The Difference between England athe United States are different, one in European continent, one continent of the America. The United Kingdom, after a long period of development, has been very wealthy, so they are decent and conservative. But at the beginning of the United States, the United States is in a completely unfamiliar and barren continent, the first settlers were called pioneers, so they have to have the courage to take risks. If they do not have the spirit of adventure, they will not be able to survive, not to mention development, the hard environment eventually made the American spirit. In addition, the difference of European culture and American cultural contributes to the difference of the two countries. English suffers from the influence from other European countries, like France, Germany, but American was influenced by the culture of the other countries in American continent as well as the native Indian.

3. Education
From the educational philosophy of the education system in the United States, there are the characteristics of diversity and openness, international and flexibility, which enable the . Department of Education to ensure educational equity and equality of opportunity to receive education, and take full advantage of the strengths of educational objects, s


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