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文档介绍:Definition of sustainable development
Sustainable development is a term ultimately aiming to development but meaning far beyond development. The concept is not prescriptive but there is a general consensus on its definition, which is most frequently quoted in later scholars’ monographs: “Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present promising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.”(mission 1987) And the United Nations 2005 World Summit e Document introduces the idea of three dimensions of sustainable development: ” These efforts will also promote the integration of the ponents of sustainable development — economic development, social development and environmental protection — as interdependent and mutually reinforcing pillars.“ We believe that intrinsic connections lay among three dimensions and changes in any domain will influence the other two.
Relationships among three dimensions of sustainable development
From economic dimension: The economic increase, which based on usage of resources, could negatively impact on environmental quality. However, the strong economic basis is the prerequisite of environmental protection due to the need of advanced technology and financial investment. Social security system fund relies on the prosperity of economy. The distribution of economic benefits has a strong impact on disparity between


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