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文档介绍:JBoss AS 7 introduction
This is an introduction tutorial to the newest JBoss AS 7 which appeared in the download section for the first time in Nov 2010. This tutorial has been recentely updated to reflect the changes introduced in the release of the application server. Keep on reading to learn more about AS 7 !
All the information based on this article is just for the purpose of a introducing the AS 7. The application server is under active development so things might change in the near future. However this article will be updated as soon as we will get some fresh news
Once you download JBoss AS 7  you will discover immediately that the structure of the application server is deeply pared to all previous releases.
Two modes to run JBoss AS:
The most evident change from previous releases is that JBoss AS 7 can be run in two modes: as domain mode and as standalone mode.
JBoss AS 7 in domain mode spawns multiple JVMs which build up the domain. Besides the AS instances, two more processes are created: the Domain Controller which acts as management control point of the domain and the Host Controller which interacts with the domain Controller to control the lifecycle of the AS instances.
JBoss AS 7 running in domain mode
In order to launch JBoss AS 7 in domain mode run the script from the bin folder.
JBoss AS 7 in standalone mode is basically