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文档介绍:Harry Potter
Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone
It started when Professor Dumbledore and Professosen, Harry must participate, and it is soon clear that whoever entered him did so intending him harm.
It is the fifth year of Harry in Hogwarts also an unordinary year. Dumbledore believes that the force of Voldemort is becoming mightness, meanwhile the minister thought that Dumbledore wanted to overset him and the parlance of the coming back of Voldemort is one of the tact of Dumbledore to takeplace him. So the minister let Umbridge a bad women to stakeout Hogwarts, so that the attack to the dark force was baffled. Dumbledore establish the Phoenix. Black is also in this organazation. When we talk about this book, we must mention Cho who is the first girl friend of Harry. There is a romantic story between them. As well as Harry, Hermione also find her boyfriend which makes Ron pretty anxious.
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
and killed the pet Haige spiders, principals at the same time Dumbledore, Professor Snape has been found that Voldemort control, Potter told Snape to protect the children do not like to deal with Voldemort and save the children, Dumbledore and Potter came to a mysterious cave, the ancient cave principals, was seriously injured and is at this time, Snape suddenly appeared, and Magic School reduced to ashes, all of Porter witnessed in the help of his companions to kill the Professor Snape, Snape, when in the dying roar that he is simply the secret of the Half-Blood Prince. In the tomb of Dumbledore, Harry and partners to pay the highest tribute to the principals, and vowed to kill Voldemort, and create a real happy life.
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
Harry has finally come of age, and finally started on his final journey to defeat Voldemort for good. The Durselys are forced to go into hiding so that Vo


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