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上传人:非学无以广才 2022/8/15 文件大小:311 KB





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中 as well as Sanjintan overpass , planning community area around the water ,cultural and historical background are rich, and in the course of development of Wuhan city has had an important role .Along with social progress , technological development, and how to combine and leverage waterscape to improve the urban ecological environment and spatial organization ,how to control landscape quality and other potential functions , and also combined with the base address of the geographical environment , the surrounding other environmental and urban culture and image, to build Wuhan 's lake scenery along the ten Park is a major problem.
   Brief Introduction
Waterfront Park of Wuhan Houhu site after the lake region , which was listed in 1996 after the construction of objects Lake Park , belonging to Wuhan, a key construction zone. Based with a total area of about 65 hectares , of which the river runs through Huangxiaohe and happiness River, and the current status of the land is mostly industrial plants, farms and reservoirs .
The project is based in Wuhan " the area 10 Park " construction of the overall plan , based on which a water garden park conducted with the theme of planning and design .Through the status quo of ecological landscape remodeling and recreational functions implants , to create a set of waterfront recreation , entertainment and other functions as one of the public activities of the park .After upgrading the historical context of the site , expressed in the design history of the venue change, natural resources will be integrated with the cultural and historical resources to create an indifferent eco- leisure experience for the community and the the park ,we through the integration of the terrain , and combined with vegetation Wuhan common design , through the control of tree height , to show a layering rich lands


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