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上传人:才艺人生 2022/8/15 文件大小:2.18 MB





请以“Talking about English Learning”为题,用英语写一篇短文,谈谈你对英语学习的看法以及你学习英语成功的经验,并给学习有困难的同学提几条学好英语的建议。要点如下: It is famous for Nanbei Lake and Qi Garden. There are many famous places in Haiyan, such as Nanbei Lake and Qi Garden. There are many famous writers in haiyan, such as Zhang Leping and Yu Hua. The weather in Haiyan is nice all the year round. It is not very cold in winter. And in summer, it is not the hottest in China. The people in Haiyan are very friendly. If you come to my hometown/Haiyan, we will give you a warm welcome.
1. Winter holiday is coming. I will have a holiday of about three weeks./I will have a three-week holiday. I want to go on a holiday with my family.
Where will we go ? We decided to go to Hainan Island by plane at last. Why? As we know, Hainan Island is a place of interest(名胜). The weather there is sunny all year round and the temperature is about 17 degrees, so it is neither too hot nor too cold. What’s more, there are many beautiful beaches in Hainan Island. So we can do many things there, such as swimming and diving. We can also lie on the beach and enjoy the sunshine. The price of the hotel in Hainan is 300 yuan a night. Although the price is a little high, we don’t mind it./it doesn’t matter. After all(毕竟), a pleasant trip is the most important for us. Oh, I am looking forward to our pleasant trip to Hainan Island. I believe we will have a wonderful time there.
2. Winter holiday is coming. I will have a three-week holiday. I want to go on a holiday with my family.
Where will we go ? We decided to go to Harbin by plane at last. Why? As we know, the weather in
Harbin is cold in winter and the temperature is about minus 5 degrees, so it snows a lot in winter and Harbin is like a white world in winter. I like snow. What’s more, we can do many things there, such as skiing, skating and making snowmen. I believe I must have fun playing with snow. The price of th


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