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What does the draft human genome sequence tell us?
How the Human Compares with Other Organismnce and Society, 2003

What does the draft human genome sequence tell us?
Led to the discovery of whole new classes of proteins and genes, while revealing that many proteins have been much more highly conserved in evolution than had been suspected.
Provided new tools for determining the functions of proteins and of individual domains within proteins, revealing a host of unexpected relationships between them.
Molecular Biology Of The Cell. Alberts et al. 491-495
What does the draft human genome sequence tell us?
By making large amounts of protein available, it has yielded an efficient way to mass produce protein hormones and vaccines
Dissection of regulatory genes has provided an important tool for unraveling the complex regulatory networks by which eukaryotic gene expression is controlled.
Molecular Biology Of The Cell. Alberts et al. 491-495
How does the human genome stack up?

• Gene number, exact locations, and functions
• Gene regulation
• DNA sequence organization
• Chromosomal structure and organization
• Noncoding DNA types, amount, distribution, information content, and functions
• Coordination of gene expression, protein synthesis, and post-translational events
• Interaction of proteins in complex molecular machines
• Predicted vs experimentally determined gene function
• Evolutionary conservation among organisms
• Protein conservation (structure and function)
• Proteomes (total protein content and function) in organisms
• Correlation of SNPs (single-base DNA variations among individuals) with health and disease
• Disease-susceptibility prediction based on gene sequence variation
• Genes involved in complex traits and multigene diseases
• Complex systems biology including microbial consortia useful for environmenta