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(共20 小题, 每小题1分,共20分)
native A. natural B. behave C. anything D. necklace
honour A. course B. journey C. colour D. source
remain A. mountain B. certain C. daily D. dairy
technology A. angry B. glass C. message D. government
excuse A. expensive B. textbook C. extra D. examine
Tom missed his footing and fell, but he quickly struggled _____his feet.
A. with B. at C. for D. to
7. The rainy season makes _______impossible to continue with the repair work.
A ./ B. them C. that D. it
8. Trees provide _____from the sun. I mean, they are ______from the sun.
A. a shelter; a shelter B. shelter; shelter
C. a shelter; shelter D. shelter; a shelter;
9. How I regretted ___the hours in the forest, ______I should have studied hard in the classroom.
A. to waste, when B. to waste, where C. wasting, when D. wasting, where
10. Mrs Green thinks that _____, the situation would have got worse.
A. if not dealing with carefully
B. if having not dealt with carefully
C. if not having been dealt with carefully
D. if having not been dealt with carefully
11. It wasn’t long _____the broken windows were repaired.
A. before B. after C. when D. since
12. Since the mid-1980s growing numbers of Asians have settled in New Zealand, and they _____
about 6% of the total population.
A. take up B. pick up C.


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