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伦敦经济学院Alternative Investment Conference.doc

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伦敦经济学院Alternative Investment Conference.doc

上传人:taotao0a 2017/7/24 文件大小:101 KB


伦敦经济学院Alternative Investment Conference.doc



文档介绍:伦敦经济学院Alternative Investment Conference - [国际会议及竞赛]
The London School of Economics Alternative Investment Society is holding our annual Alternative Investment Conference on the 24th and 25th of January 2011.
We would like to invite all students from Shanghai Jiao Tong University e for this conference by signing up through this website: .
This conference is worth flying to London for as it is the largest Alternative Investment Conference, and we have managed to arrange for more than 50 top managers from famous private equity and hedge funds firm to speak during this conference.
Contact Person:
Jessica Teo We-Win
Asian Marketing Team of Alternative Investment Conference
张怡老师发表于17:07:00 | 阅读全文| 评论 0 | 编辑| 分享 0
新加坡管理大学和哈佛大学学生会召开HPAIR 2010 亚洲会议(2010年8月20-24日新加坡)接受报名- [国际会议及竞赛]
Singapore Management University (SMU) is partnering the Harvard Project for Asian and International Relations (HPAIR), a student-anization at Harvard University, anize the inaugural HPAIR 2010 Asia Conference in Singapore, from 20 - 24 Aug 2010.
On behalf of mittee, I would like to invite your students to be a part of this prestigious student conference.
Initiated in 1991, HPAIR provides a forum for exchange between students from the world's foremost universities and prominent leaders in the fields of government, business, culture, and academia.