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supervising automation参考-论文.pdf

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supervising automation参考-论文.pdf



文档介绍:Copyright © IFAC Man-Machine Systems,
Kyoto, Japan, 1998
tem may
cause a disaster, exists. The mechanisms that Normally the tasks in a control room vary by
underlie such feelings may be compared with the nature and by number. In other words there are
butterfly effect: small numerical errors in the monitoring, administration, communication, set•
initial conditions of a deterministic whether point adjustment tasks etc. which differ by
model can unfold into simulated catastrophes; a nature. At the other hand a number of for
finding by the meteorologist Lorenz described in instance the monitoring tasks may be of the same
a book on chaos by Gleick (1988). nature . reading the temperature of identical
reactor cells, or pressures in vessels.
Technological systems such as chemical
processes show also an increasing number of A tendency exists to create larger control centers
interactions between different domains and which control a larger plant or several plants.
between plants. Sometimes very tied links are The advantage being that functions that require
made between plants owned and operated by little workload can be combined, concentrated
different companies. The agreements between the


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