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trans (left) radial interventions – a single center experience参考-论文.pdf

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trans (left) radial interventions – a single center experience参考-论文.pdf



文档介绍:indian heart journal 67 (2015) s49–s71 S57
jor clinical sequelae but pre- (33%) required aorto-iliac bifurcation stenting in addition to EVAR.
vention is important. Transradial coronary procedures may be There was no significant endoleak in any of the patients. One
performed through the right or left radial artery approaches patient developed moderate hematoma at the groin, which was
(RRA and LRA, respectively). While most of the studies assessing treated conservatively. There was no incidence of renal artery,
the feasibility of the transradial approach have been done through spinal cord or colonic ischemia. All of them are doing well on
the RRA, the LRA may offer certain anatomical and other advan- follow-up both clinically and radiologically (USG/CT).
tages. We present our short experience in coronary diagnostic and Conclusion: Our case series shows that abdominal EVAR is a
interventional procedures using the LRA approach. In 1989 Lucien minimally invasive alternative to major open surgery for the repair
Campeau reported the first 100 cases of trans left radial coronary of abdominal aortic aneurysms (AAAs) that results in reduced
angiograms. The advantages of LRA approach is that the dominant recovery time with minim